30 Days to a Better Business Challenge – Day 1

Let's Dust Complacency and Break Through to the Next Level

I am a Dave Ramsey fan. I think I started listening to him on the radio when I was in high school. His latest book, Entreleadership, is outstanding. I would highly recommend it if you haven’t read it already.

Dave has this saying about momentum. He says that momentum is focused intensity over time.

30 days to a better business social image

I love that.

Don’t we all want a little more momentum in our lives – or a lot? Momentum is that mysterious force that makes things go your way. If you share my worldview, you would call it favor. Regardless, it is a great place to be.

I’m challenging you to manufacture some focused intensity – over the next 30 days. Each weekday over the next 30 days, I’m going to publish a blog post. Understandably, these posts are going to be a little shorter than what I normally post. However, they will be packed full of tactics and best practices you can instantly apply to your business.

Plus, I’m going to be linking to extra resources that will be helpful to you.

So here is what you can expect over the next 30 days:

  • We are going to take a look at prospecting best practices. Without sales, business grinds to a halt. And don’t lie to yourself. You are in sales whether you have a product, service, cause, or you are just trying to influence people.
  • We are going to dive into productivity hacks. All of us can use more margin in our lives. My wife would tell you that I definitely do – and she’s right. If you haven’t read Essentialism yet by Greg McKeown – you should go pick that up immediately. It is life-changing.
  • We are going to look at ways you can build your presence in your market. Presence never replaces prospecting. What presence does is make all your prospecting efforts more effective. It is a great place to invest time and resources, but you will see the ROI materialize in your prospecting efforts.
  • Finally, we are going to take a look at the marketing and technology apps you should be using – or at least considering. Technology can do one of two things. It can make us more efficient and effective, or it can distract us. Let’s make sure it is the former and not that latter.

So how about it? Are you with me for the next 30 days?

I hope so!



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