[Video] Ask Bo – A Question from Jeno Berta on Prospecting

This episode of Ask Bo stems from a question sent in by Jeno Berta.  Jeno has a great question regarding prospecting for a New to the Business (N2B) broker.

He asks about what daily prospecting tasks are essential to the N2B broker as well as what one habit is most important to to the success of his business.

Go check Jeno out on Twitter at @jeno630.

I also mention in the video the prospecting series I wrote. Click here to see The 8 Steps to a Killer Prospecting System.

If you would like to ask me a question, look to the right of the screen and click the ‘Send Voicemail’ button.  You can then send me a voicemail straight through your computer. The next episode of Ask Bo could be featuring you!

Have a blessed day!

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