New Feature – Ask Me a Question

One of my desires this year is to make this blog more interactive with my readers…with you.  I recently stumbled across a really cool app/plugin that is going to help me do so.


You can now ask me a question, via your computer, directly through this blog.  Here is how it works.

  1. Click on the Send Voicemail button on the right middle of any page on my Speakpipe
  2. Make sure your mic is on.
  3. Record a question up to 90 seconds in length.  The app lets you listen to your message and re-record so don’t fret about flubbing up.
  4. Be sure to include your name, location, and your website – so I can send traffic your way.
  5. Feel free to ask me anything about main topics of this blog – or anything else.  Prospecting, Productivity, Personal Development, Creating Presence, or Life Lessons.
  6. At least one a month, I will choose a question to answer.  And if you are really lucky, I will post my response with video!
  7. The chosen question will receive a prize!

So what has been on your mind?  What would you like to ask?  I certainly don’t have all the answers, but we can all learn together.

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Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

  • So fun. I left you a voice mail. I hope you do not get a million of these or maybe I do! haha, Good luck and that is pretty neat! Thanks for sharing. I use Olark on my sites and it works great for live chats which are just texting, but people seem to appreciate the ability to get quick responses too.

    • I got your message – thanks Linda! I hope I don’t get a million as well, but I do hope to get a good number! It was good to hear your voice!