My cousin, Lindsey O’Brien Kesling, was just 22 years old when she died due to accidental carbon monoxide poisoning in her Scottsdale, Arizona apartment in November 2010. My little bro, Timmy Baron (26), stars in this informative video produced/edited by Lindsey’s brother, William Kesling (19),, and filmed by Dane Kissel.

LOK Wishing Tree Foundation is a youth arts organization founded in Lindsey’s memory. Besides their focus on creating performing and creative arts opportunities for youth in underserved areas, LOK Wishing Tree Foundation also feels a strong commitment to carbon monoxide awareness and safety to help prevent other tragic deaths.

I ask you to sign the petition mentioned in the video to make CO testing mandatory in all states.  The next 30 seconds of your life could save the lives of many others.  Please act now by going here to sign the petition – Lindsey O’Brien Kesling Wishing Tree Foundation.

To get more information about the LOK Wishing Tree Foundation – click here!

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