Lessons from the Corps – Part 2

I’ve spent many minutes over the last couple of days thinking about preparedness and swagger and how connected these to qualities are.  It is interesting to me that Marines do 2 things:  they go to war and they train.  At a bottom line level, that is all they do.

Marines train ad nauseam!  And they do so in conditions as close to war as possible so that the Marine becomes accustomed to performing at a hero-level under conditions of extreme stress.  Boot Camp is like this.  For the first 2 weeks, I was completely disoriented.  Nothing was said that wasn’t yelled.  Drill Instructors talk so fast that they can be hardly understood, and regardless
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Lessons from the Corps – Part 1

I have a pretty sweet situation at my office.  I share the office with my dad.  Technically, it is his office, and when I bought the real estate company from him a while back, I stayed.  So his office is still next to mine, and he is still an incredible resource to me.  Frankly, I just like seeing him nearly every day.  As is often the case, as the day winds down, I find myself in his office, or he is in mine – and we chat.  Today’s chat brought back a memory.

After a Marine graduates boot camp, he’ll go to SOI – the School of Infantry.  6 weeks of hell for the true ground-pounder, and 17 days of the same for the rest of us.  When I graduated SOI, I had a day lay-over before my flight took me to California the next day.  So for the first time in months, I had some free time to walk around base.  I made two huge rookie mistakes that day.  First, I was walking with something in my right hand which was a big no-no because you can’t salute.  Second, I walked by a Lt Colonel without noticing him.  I was sunk.
Some Gunny standing next to the Colonel got ahold of me and ripped me a new one,
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