The One Marketing Tool You Need to Drive Your CRE Business – Free Webinar

I remember the first time I saw a real property package. You know the ones I’m talking about. They are beautiful. Maps. Demographics. Graphs. Comps. All branded beautifully and consistently. I was blown away.

I had been in the business for about a year before I saw one. Our firm was small town CRE. Not only did we have relationships, but we had them going back generations. Business walked in our door. We didn’t have to compete or present (not much, at least).

Businessman having stress in the office

But then I got called into my first dog and pony show. I was one of three brokers who would present to win the business. I knew the other brokers would walk in with these beautiful proposals.

I spent days trying to create the package that would stack up. It was futility. I was beyond frustrated.

I could tell you many more stories about frustrations I’ve had with different parts of the business. Entering data over and over again in different apps and listing portals as none of them talk to each other.

I remember the first time I tried to create a retailer map with Photoshop and google searches for logos.

I remember trying to merge documents into a cohesive pdf – just to find out I need one simple edit. Ugh! Start over from scratch.

I’m guessing you can relate to these frustrations.

Well I have a treat for you. On Wednesday at 3pm Eastern, I’m hosting a free webinar to show you the one tool you need to eradicate all of these frustrations from your business – and so many more. CRE tech has lagged so far behind, but Buildout is going to change that.

Claim My Seat!

Kris Krisco from Buildout is going to join me and demonstrate what Buildout can do. You will be amazed.

Here are 6 reasons you should attend this webinar:

6 Reasons To Attend My Buildout Webinar

1. Time – Time is the most valuable resource you possess. It is absolutely limited. Plus, high dollar activities in CRE are worth big bucks. Handling the marketing is not. Buildout will absolutely save you and your firm a ton of time.

2. Branding – Branding consistency is a huge deal whether you are a boutique firm or a big national. Consistent touch points reinforce trust, etc. Buildout makes this super easy and automatic. And their in-house designers handle everything.

3. Speed – Speed to market is a huge competitive advantage. I’m going to share a story on the webinar Wednesday about a particular deal where we were super fast. I still can’t believe we pulled that off – and all because we had Buildout.

4. Free access to your own information – We used to pay Loopnet to have the privilege of putting our listings on their site (one of the many duplicate data entry points). Then we would pay them again to have those listings on our website. And, Loopnet reaped the SEO for all of it. Buildout solves this.

5. Retailer maps – I can’t wait for you to see how long it takes to create a retailer map – seconds.

6. Magic fairy dust – I admit – a little over-the-top. I’m going to stop my list here. There is too much more. But we are going to show it to you on Wednesday. And some of this stuff looks like magic to me.

I have one more reason you should attend. I’ve negotiated the absolute best deal to offer on the webinar. You won’t be able to get this anywhere else.

If you identify with any of these frustrations or want to just see what Buildout can do, click the button below to claim your spot – space is limited.

So I hope you will join us Wednesday. It is going to be full of info you can use and could literally save you thousands of dollars.

Claim My Seat!

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