The 10 Commandments of MindPower Business

This is a guest post from Jack Turturici. Jack Turturici serves as a senior advisor for Sperry Van Ness specializing in the sale of industrial, multifamily and retail properties in Northern California. With over 30 years experience in the commercial real estate industry, Turturici has secured more than 420 transactions.

  1. Thou shalt have a great attitude. Great results always begin and end with a person creating and maintaining a great attitude. A positive attitude combined with gentle humor is the ultimate emotional fuel for optimal, stable performance.
  2. Thou shalt always believe in thyself. Believing in yourself is fundamental to building trust, persistence and self confidence. Know that you have the educated, well balanced skills to handle whatever happiness in your business.
  3. Thou shalt operate within your knowledge and imagination. Work within your ability level. Understand how you do business and maintain your progress according to your personal style.
  4. Thou shalt prioritize projects. Working projects in an order of importance is staying focused in the moment and putting your absolute best effort in to that single moment. Stay in the now.
  5. Thou shalt work with patience. Tenacity, sincerity and keeping your composure ensures that you will work with an emotional balance. It helps you to maintain a good rhythm and adhere to your desired strategy.Working with patience helps you stay in the present moment and concentrate fully on the jobs at hand.
  6. Thou shalt commit to every deal. Commitment to every deal gives you a chance to address every transaction with full intent and purposefulness. It also helps you implement positive action into every moment and eliminate negative anxiety.
  7. Thou shalt keep the game of business simple. The simplicity of your thoughts, flexibility and specificity of your intentions lead to greater efficiency and more consistent earnings.
  8. Thou shalt work with reasonable expectations. Expectations that are too high interfere with simply working your best. The only expectation that works in a performance setting is the expectation to be totally focused in the moment and strive to stay on the task in the moment.
  9. Thou shalt work with trust. Trust is the conscious letting go of over controlling tendencies of having to be perfect. When you work with trust you allow yourself to stay focused on your goal and forget worrying about the outcome. Working with trust is about letting go of trying too hard and just allowing your plans to unfold as they will.
  10. Thou shalt never, ever give up. Never giving up is about having emotional and mental resolve that suggests you won’t quit or give in. You will give your best effort on each transaction until the very end. This value is fundamental to success.


Jack Turturici

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